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We lost the hearing today. I hold the planning director responsible somewhat as the the Planning Director's job is to enforce the Bonner County Land use laws and if someone is not compliant with the laws he is required to shut them down. Frank Linscotts pit should not be an active gravel pit because he is not legal and he is out of compliance with IDL and not following the nonconforming land use ordinance.
Frank Linscott is out of compliance with Department of Lands since 1998, so that should make his gravel pit a non active pit until he becomes compliant. Linscott is on grandfathered land and is not allowed to grow or expand under the nonconforming land ordinance . He became grandfathered in 1981, and at that time he disturbed 18 acres, the ordinance says he is only allowed to grow up to 50% without a conditional use permit so he is out of compliance when he became 36 acres, yet he has grown to be 100 acres disturbed so he has been out of compliance since the early 1990s, at least. These both should have the Linscott gravel pit shut down because he is not compliant with the laws. A conditional use permit is only good on legal lawful land which is in compliance with the laws of Bonner County and Idaho. Today the Planning Department and Prosecuting Attorney claim to the County Commissioners, he is innocent until proven guilty and should get his day in court. Doesn't a letter from Department of Lands explaining he has been out of compliance since 1998 enough to prove his guilt and shut him down until he is compliant? Lost our confidence in the Planning department and in the County in every way!
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